Our Story
In 1974 Mike Sharpe formulated the groundbreaking, low lactose pharmaceutical milk products - DiGestelact® and De-Lact Infant®.
Di-Vetelact® for animals was later developed as a low lactose milk supplement to match average crude ratios of mammal milk.
Since this time, Vets, Zoos, Australian Wildlife Carers, Breeders, Farmers and Pet Owners have relied on our product to support animals. This includes infant, growing, pregnant and lactating, convalescing and elderly animals.
DiGestelact® and De-Lact Infant® were recognised as an important advancement in the pharmaceutical low-lactose category. In 1996 they were famously bought by Nutricia, one of the most successful health food companies in the world focused on early life nutrition, dairy and advanced medical nutrition. Now owned by Danone.
Mike became Scientific Director of Nutricia Infant Formulas Australasia, developing the hugely successful Aptamil Gold Infant Formula. In recognition of being a leading international milk science expert Mike was asked to co-write and sign the Australian Government’s 'Australian Infant Formula Act' for the Food Standards Authority.
Mike has been at the forefront of Nutrition Science in Australia for over 45 years. He was a Founding Member of:
The Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology
The Nutrition Society of Australia
The Australia and New Zealand Omega 3 Centre
The Infant Formula Association (later named Infant Nutrition Council).
Sally, Mikes daughter and Fleur, his daughter-in-law now run the family company.
Our Core Values
Our Di-Vetelact Mission
At Di-Vetelact we believe every animal deserves the opportunity to reach their potential for a healthy and happy life.
That's why we work at the forefront of animal nutrition to deliver high quality products you can trust.
Highly effective and bioavailable nutrients that are simple to use to support Whole of Life Nutritional Care for your animal.
Quality for your Animals
PFIAA Certified ✔️
Di-Vetelact is the only Milk Replacer to be certified to Australian Standard AS5812 for the Manufacturing and Marketing of Pet Food.
As a certified member of PFIAA, Di-Vetelact supports excellence in pet food nutrition and industry standards.
Certification ensures gold standard delivery of our product, from sourcing materials and ingredients, to receipt and storage of ingredients, processing, packing, and labelling to assure safety for animals.
Manufacturing Process
We manufacture Di-Vetelact in an SQF certified facility using world-class manufacturing technology and equipment.
You can trust Di-Vetelact for quality and effectiveness. No compromises.
Not only do we ensure top quality ingredients, world class food manufacturing standards and cutting edge formulation, we guarantee quality assurance with independent scientific analysis.
Quality Ingredients
We take great pride in our product.
Di-Vetelact is made with premium, natural, food grade ingredients sourced locally.
All of our dairy ingredients come from Australia and New Zealand. We select the highest quality, most effective and bioavailable form of every ingredient to deliver premium nutritional products. We guarantee all our vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids are supplied in the correct ratios and quantities for the best health of all animals.

Nutritional Milk
Di-Vetelact is a scientifically formulated, nutritionally complete milk replacer for neonates and a comprehensive nutritional supplement for animals at all life stages.
This delicious, easily digested low lactose formula is fortified with prebiotics and 25 vitamins and minerals to support the growth, development, health and vitality of animals from infancy through to senior years.

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